About us? We’d Rather Talk About You!


Technology Via Our Chamomile Tinted Lenses

A sleek black box. Technology can often feel like that. Though seductive, we often wonder just how it works. It can be beneficial, but it can also make us feel uncomfortable, anxious, and even intimidated. 😨 This “box” of obsidian wonder can fit in the palm of our hand or stretch across acres and oceans. It likes to reside in the cloud and promises us the world.

If only we could make good on that pledge within our own lives…

We can, and you will.

Chamomile Consulting was founded in 2016 to achieve three core aims:

  1. Alleviate.

  2. Assure.

  3. Empower.

By alleviating any current technical and workflow issues, assuring them of their ability to succeed, and empowering them with personalized guidance, we help our clients obtain a healthy, collaborative, and sustainable relationship with the tech in their lives.

Whether you are a freelancing creative or small business owner; an educator, podcaster, video editor, film scorer, real estate agent, recent graduate, or a person who wants to be more effective and edified regarding the tools and resources available to them, you tread a nuanced and personal path. We get it.

As fellow travelers, we seek to help you continue making that journey your own while enjoying the process, as much as the results. It would be an honor to guide and walk alongside you to your next creative sojourn.

That amorphous tool, technology, ever dynamic, will remain somewhat mysterious, but like igneous rock, born from chaos and conflagration, we believe it can be utilized to make the most amazing creations. 🤩

Are you ready to harness that power?

If so, like a cool summer sea breeze on a sweltering day… We are here for you!

- NKWaters, Owner

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Mailings/Phone —
510 Clinton Square
Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 568-7896‬

Five smooth stones: Two stacked, two on their side, trailing to the last one. All in the foreground on a sandy beach. The water is blurred in the background.-image credit-NKW.

We are here for you, and it should be like a day at the beach.

A collective?


  • (adjective) a: of, relating to, or being a group of individuals

  • (noun): a cooperative unit or organization

Just as the human body has more than one organ, or limb, to care for specific needs, benefiting the entire person, so too, we utilize particular knowledge bases, to ensure our clients get the level of service and care we would like to experience ourselves. No one knows it all, but if you know the right people, well, your aggregate potential is limitless.

“Utilizing more than 25 years working in the arts with digital technology, across multiple disciplines, I have been able to collaborate with individuals across continents who are eager to lend their expertise. This synergy allows Chamomile Consulting to provide solutions that soothe because we have expert connections influencing our guidance, according to their discipline. Most importantly, they are proven and trustworthy, two traits that are foundational to any worthwhile organization.” - NKWaters, Owner

Portrait of Owner Nigel Waters

“We strive to bring out what is new and blossoming within you. It’s always Spring with us!” - Nigel K. Waters, Owner