Pricing + Services


Business consulting services start at $125/hour.*

Packages start at $150.*

A black camera with it's body partially shown with the lens out of the frame pointing diagonally to the left.-credit builtbymath on unsplash

Photo & Video

Vision Planning & Trouble Shooting

Three microphones. Two in the foreground, one leaning further out to the right.-credit-arifwdn The backdrop is a muted blue sky.-credit


A close-up of a computer display showing an Apple Logic session is hanging over a midi-keyboard, but not covering the keys.

Film Scoring

White paper crane origami bird on a white table and backdrop-credit Fer Troulik




Alleviate Technical Sessions

Business: $125/hour — Do you want to work out a few kinks and get your business humming? Let’s do some technical or creative problem-solving and unclog your dream machine.

Personal: $75/hour - You want to have a good time, but something’s changed the flavor from sweet to sour. No problem! Let’s figure it out before your next heaping serving.

Assure Vision planning Sessions

Business: $150/hour — You have an idea, but you’re not sure how to make it real. Chat with us and we will ask you the right questions to help you reach the best conclusions and anchor down that runaway idea boat. Then, we will create a custom plan to help you materialize that which lingers in the ether.

Personal: $75/hour - Need a confidence boost to help you mount the next creative step? We will help you determine a reasonable and fun path to the summit.

Empower Hardware Consultation

Business: $150/hour — Is your equipment meeting the needs of your creative workforce? We will consult with all the members of your team and help you determine a cost-effective but performant solution to keep your creatives inspired and moving at the speed of their ideas.

Empower asset management

Business $175/hour — Do you have many digital assets but need to know how your organization can take advantage of them? We will help you determine the best software, hardware, and organizational solutions to give you a competitive edge and bring relief to your teammates.

Empower Training

Business: $200/hour — Do you need to get your staff up-to-date on how to make the best of the creative software you have? Do you want to nurture and bring out the best in your team? We will come to you and create documentation and presentation materials tailored to your environment and workforce.

Personal: $100/hour –– Do you want to be better organized digitally? Do you need to learn certain software? We can help you create a plan of action that ensures you stay on top of your email, photos, and other digital incidentals enabling you to be your most productive and creative.



Variable Rates — Do you need more than a one-time boost? Working on something special? We offer pricing for goals that may take a little longer to realize.


Empower Podcast Starter

Business: $300 — Do you want to captivate your customers with regularly updated content from you and about your industry? This package includes hardware consultation and initial concept development to warm your voice up.

Personal: $150 –– Do you want to participate in the hottest communication trend of the decade, and get your voice out there? This package includes hardware consultation and initial concept development.

Empower Podcast Complete

Business: $1000 –– Everything in the starter plus hardware setup, podcast service setup, and three sessions of concept development.

Personal: $500 –– Just like the above, but just for you!

Empower Photo/Video Starter

Business: $500 — Hardware, software and workflow consultation.

Empower Photo/Video Complete

Business: $1500 –– Includes everything in Starter but also hardware setup, basic training, and an introduction to asset management and workflow best practices.

Empower Film Scoring Starter

Business/Personal — $300 - We will introduce you to the hardware and software you need to begin or improve your current setup.

Empower Film Scoring Complete

Business/Personal –– $1000 - Everything in starter plus an audio engineer to help with acoustical recommendations for your personal space.

Empower Documentation Starter

Business: $500 –– We observe what you need to be documented and get you started with a solution that your staff can take from there.

Personal: $150 –– Everything you need to begin documenting and organizing your digital life.

Empower Documentation Complete

Business: $1000 –– Everything in Starter, plus up to three sessions of documentation planning and implementation, creating a template, and supplying print materials, if desired.

Personal: $300 –– Everything in Starter plus two sessions of digital cleanup.


*All prices are subject to change.